The goal was to select the correct time that the Grandbaby Troll entered the World. No one guessed the exact time, but many came close. One blogger was the closest, within 4 minutes, but like I said, you will have to wait for that one.
For now, I wanted to give a little something something to 2 bloggers who came REAL close.
There were 2 tie breakers, just in case 2 people guessed the correct time.
They were guess the date AND the babies name.
Only ONE person guessed the date correctly. I didn’t mention this at all, but the due date was 12-30-2010. I was hoping that he would be born on my birthday which is 12-31. 38 of you agreed with me and guessed that day too. Just 1 of you got the date right and she shall be rewarded!
I was just going to give a mention, but Esther Gin N Juice demanded that this person be rewarded as this guess was pretty darn close.
With the 51st guess overall (and her first) McCann Can Triple guessed that Baby Boy Troll would be born on December 22, 2010 at 10:10 PM. With the date correct she was accurate within 85 minutes and will be rewarded. Here is one card to be included in her prize pack which will be mailed out within the next couple of weeks… Since we all now she is a Braves fan I am including this 1962 Warren Spahn.
The other Honorable Mention goes to the Dawg Bones Phillies Phan. He placed 2nd in the grand prize guessing 11:30 PM (just 5 minutes off!) but was the only guesser to choose the babies name, well almost. Dawgbones guessed Ray which is the correct middle name. He too will be rewarded with this Phillies Phan Appropriate Card - a 1960 Topps Robin Roberts.
Thanks again to all who entered!
Atlas Ray Generous makes me a very happy person.
To the victors, please email me with your addresses. Thanks!
Troll out.
I just wanted to say what a great honor it is to be an honorable mention. This contest was a blast to keep up with, and I think Atlas Ray is a very cool name. I am very glad to hear every body involved is doing well.
ReplyDeleteThat Robin Roberts card is TOO SCHWEET!! for words. and looks to be in better shape than I am! considering it's 8 year older, and made of cardboard!!
And as I said in one of my posts, Let the Spoilin' Begin!!
Thanks again for a great contest, and a very cool prize. As far as I'm concerned, that Roberts card makes me feel as if I hit the grand prize, it will be a very welcomed addition to my Phillies PC.
I'm late.. sorry >__<
ReplyDeleteAwesome card. :)