Yes, this is another cheesy "pimp my needs list" post... But, I am pretty excited about my progress on the 2012 set... A week ago I needed over 250 cards to fill the binder, today, thanks to blogger generosity I need just 99 more cards... A HUGE THANKS goes to my blogger buddy Chris from the Maddux, Glavine and Smoltz blog who is sending me better than 60 cards from my list!!! Unbelievable!
What got the ball rolling was Chris had posted a really awesome video of Gary Carter's final at bat in Montreal... I commented, and next thing I know he is destroying my 2012 Topps needs list...
Of course, the list is up to date... Thanks again Chris and thanks to everyone else who has offered help!
Onto another list - I posted my Frankenset needs the other day and today I got 5 minis in the mail from Frank in Virginia... 2 of them were needs and 1 was an upgrade... The upgrade was awesome because it was card #293 and it took the ultra cheesy Royal Wedding mini out of my binder... The Frankenset is just 49 cards from being full. It will never be finished, because this monster will always be updated and upgraded... If you have unwanted Ginter minis, send them to me!!! If ya need any - I have some to spare!
I need to go to work and don't have time to properly eulogize the legendary Gary Carter, but I will end by saying that I have SOOOOO many memories of watching him play with the Mets and Expos. He was my Mom's favorite player and she took me to see him play dozens of times with both teams. When we weren't at the ball park, we were watching WWOR every night during the mid-80's. Gary Carter - GREAT catcher, CLASS ACT, LEGEND!!! Rip KID!!! And by the way, ya gotta love that Play at the Plate pic from the '86 Series...
Go Rays! RIP Gary Carter! troll out
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