Friday, June 3, 2011

A Troll Health Update For My Homies...

Confirmed from my doctor on Wednesday - I am healing WELL and I will NOT require surgery on my hand!!!! This is GREAT news! The doc said he was really shocked with how well the breaks were settling in. He compared the X-ray from when it happened nearly a month ago with the one yesterday. He said, "you hand was messed up, but it is falling back into place really nice, it looks like it happened 2 months ago". Basically I am healing better than expected. I am really happy with how well the broken bones are getting back to normal. I am concerned about the tendon damage, but Doc assures me that if I wait it out patiently, I can skip surgery and start physical therapy in about 6 six weeks and I can start using my hand in 8-10 weeks. I should be able to type within 2 months, but I am likely 3 months away from hand writing with my right hand. Still bummed and impatient, but I really couldn't wish for better news... Go Rays! Left-handed troll out.


  1. The really important question is...can you still call the Derby matches?

  2. Awesome, glad to hear. Any time surgery can be avoided is good news. Must be that Florida sunshine!!

  3. Glad to hear it!
    On another note, it turns out they had to put in a whole new air handler "unit?" b/c the ones in our apartment were outdated and can't get parts for, so they should finish today. They had to build a shelf to fit it in the same spot the other one was in.
    I should have just said fuck it and paid someone to do it and not waited on the apartment folks.

  4. Brian, until they unplug my mic I will keep on screaming into it! The Gainesville Roller Rebels are rolling into town this sunday and you better believe that me, my hat, my necktie and my microphone will be there. I will probably get a little excited and scream a lot...
