2. Babe Ruth 714
3. Willie Mays 660 4. Ken Griffey Junior 630-And he is still active... One good year and he catches Mays.
5. Frank Robinson 586
7. Jim Thome 564-The greatest slugger of this generation, most feared?Moved past Reggie in 2009. Does he have a team to play for in 2010?
8. Reggie Jackson 563
10. Mickey Mantle 536
11. Jimmie Foxx 53412. Willie McCovey 521
12. Frank Thomas 521 If you had a vote, would you put the Big Hurt in the Hall on Ballot one?
15. Ernie Banks 51215. Eddie Mathews 512
17. Mel Ott 511
18. Eddie Murray 504
19. Lou Gehrig 493
19. Fred McGriff 493-Being in the top 20 All Time makes the Crime Dog’s case for the Hall that much better…This didn't help him in 2009 though...
21. Carlos Delgado 473 - Should Delgado get healthy enough to play again he can tear this list up pretty quickly. Maybe. He is 37, so maybe not. He played in 26 games last year and hit 4, but starting fresh in 2010, who knows?
22. Dave Winfield 465
23. Carl Yaztremski 452
24. Jeff Bagwell 449 I think Bagpipes is on the ballot in 2010 or is it 2011?25. Dave Kingman 442 Sky King didn't juice, did he? The guy was just a monster naturally, right?
26. Andre Dawson 438 Yep, he's in there.
27. Cal Ripken Jr. 431
28. Mike Piazza 427
29. Chipper Jones 426 Speaking of guys who can still climb this list...29. Billy Williams 426
31. Darrell Evans 414 I like seeing Evans on here. Did he have a nickname?That’s it. I think the list looks a lot better after removing the ‘roids guys. When I was a kid, the 500 Home Run Club was a huge deal, the steroid era has seriously tainted that. There is a lot of fantasy in baseball, but there needs to be more reality. At my job, if you fail a random drug test, you go to rehab or you lose your job. I think this list looks a lot "cleaner", what do you think? Let me knwo if I forgot anyone or added anybody that doesn't belong... I love this hobby! troll out.
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ReplyDeleteWith the exception of Griffey, Thome and McGriff, you just turned back the clock to 1989. Old days weren't so bad after all, were they?
ReplyDeleteExcellent list. It'll be nice in another decade or so to see some new names added to the list as the post-steriod generation starts logging some time.
ReplyDeleteNice. Crime Dog to the HOF!!!
ReplyDeleteThe first 4 comments here are from the original post in July... Thanks for reading. Too tired to write a real post...
ReplyDeletewell so long as amphetamines are not considered drugs. And that everyone pretends that this admission was never made:
I really hate to burst everyones bubble but pretending that steroids appeared out of nowhere and showed up in MLB in the mid 90's is delusional. We all know the usage was rampant in other sports since at least the 60's and when you consider man's competitive nature...you would be shocked to learn the things that probably every guy on this "clean" list tried, legal or otherwise. The idea of knowing who was clean and who wasnt prior to testing is pure wishcasting.
Sorry Troll.
Shoot, even Jim Thome was hopped up on Drakes Cakes most of the 2003 season.
ReplyDeleteI love the list, but all I know for sure is I hit all my homeruns in Little League without the use of PEDs...unless Ding Dongs and Dr. Pepper can be considered PEDs.