Have you ever got a package in the mail, opened it up, did the happy dance because you got some awesome stuff, sent the thank you email AND THEN a year later discovered there was something super awesome that you didn't notice when you opened it originally??? I did. Around a year ago I got a BIG box from Adam E of
Thoughts and Sox fame. He sent me about 50 padded envelopes, which are like gold to traders. There were some sweet cards in there, too. Well... Those envelopes lasted me a really long time. I have been a bad trader and very inactive in that capacity. Well yesterday I started getting a few packages ready to go to the post office when I get the cash and I grabbed the LAST envelope from the box and discovered 2 cards in top loaders... Holy shizzit! Two AMAZING cards! Two SWEET VINTAGE cards of my favorite player of All Time, one of the greatest players to ever play the game, the legendary
ROBERTO CLEMENTE! I can't believe that Adam sent me these (THANKS SOOOO MUCH!!!!) and I can't believe that all this time I had these two incredible cards in my collection and I didn't even know it! Well, without any further adieu here they are... Starting with what is now the oldest Roberto Clemente card in my collection.

From 1961 Post, card #132 of the Hall of Famer. This is not only the first 1961 Post card I own, but it is of my favorite player ever. SWEET!

Along with it he included a 1968 (I think...) Topps game card. It is number 6 of 33 and it's a DOUBLE.

Awesome. What a great surprise! It's things like this that get me really excited about collecting again. Thanks so much Adam! For everything! troll out.