I have made all kinds of comments about this brand over the past year. It's design brings out the critic in me. Donruss Playoff LP went all out when it came to getting authentic game-used materials for its cards, but it seemed like they stopped there. I have never ripped any of this stuff, but plenty has come my way via trade. Most of those came from, you guessed it,
My Past Time I Love It!. Here are 2 new Rays game used cards from 2005 Prime Patches.

First is a serial numbered gem of centerfielder (then shortstop) BJ Upton. It is #ed 074/150 and the bat sliver was certified to having been used by Upton in an official game. Pretty cool, eh? It is, but I can't get over the tiny picture on the side and the tiny sliver breaking up the Tampa Bay logo and ALL OF THE WASTED WHITE SPACE AT THE BOTTOM OF THE CARD. Its one of those great cards that could be better. From the same set is an even lower serial #ed card (77/97) of outfielder Rocco Baldelli. This is from the Portraits series of the set. That seems a weird name for a card that has a black and white photo of the cards namesake SO DAMN SMALL. On the bright side the jersey swatch is a patch and is freaking awesome. There are 3 seperate bat slivers (excess?) too. All of them are certified game used by Rocco too.

This is my first Rocco patch and I am pretty stoked about that, but again the design of the card drives me nuts... Again, cool cards that could be cooler... Thanks again Wicked! Since I have only posted 5 of the 400 cards I planned to post this week, Wicked Week on the Troll will be extended until its all been shown. Oh, and there are plenty more giveaways at
My Past Time I Love It! so check em out! Go Rays! Troll out.
It is interesting that Badelli card only says Rays - they did not change their names for 3 years