It has been a LONG time since I bought a pack of cards. A really long time. This weekend I bit and picked up one of the 15 dollar value packs from Wal Mart. It comes with 6 packs of Topps Series 2, a chrome card, a hobby pack of Allen and Ginter and a Topps Million code card. I got another code card in one of the packs and I decided that last night would be redemption day. I had a few code cards tucked away for a rainy day and it was very rainy this weekend, so I crossed my fingers and redeemed them all. I had said after my first redemption many months ago that I didn't plan on having any cards shipped to me. Had I got something from the fifties or 60s I might have changed my tune. Guess what? My tune remains the same. This means there are 9 cards sitting in cyberspace somewhere that have my name on them. Out of my last 9 redemptions I unlocked 2 Hall of Famers and 3 cards from the 70's. Not too bad I guess. Unfortunately, the Hall of Famers come from 1987 and 1990 and the cards from the 70's are NOT Hall of Famers.

Needless to say I will not be getting these shipped to me. I thought about pooling them all together to trade for a '65 Topps card I needed, but that seems like too much work and I am a very lazy Troll... Plus I would still have to cough up a credit card to have them shipped. Had I unlocked a '56 Clemente it would be well worth it. I didn't.
SO... I am offering up these 9 super awesome cards to the first person to claim them. If you can offer me 1 (one) single card from anyone of my wantlists I would consider that more than fair. Normal rules apply. Comment to claim them and then e-mail me for details. 
By the way, the highlight of my unlocking is this 1972 Topps card of All Star catcher Ray Fosse. Fosse was twice an All Star but only played in one game. Everyone remembers him blocking the plate and getting bulldozed, but he also had 2 hits and an RBI too. The next oldest card is this 1976 of Padres pitcher Dave Freisleben.

Also included is the Braves team card from 1977 and junk wax goodness featuring Steve Sax, John Jaha, Mike Lansing and Hank Blalock...

Actually, the 1998 Mike Lansing wasn't an unlocked card, it was what I had traded my last bunch of cards for. Still, even Mike Lansing must go.
Who wants em? Oh, for those keeping track, I have now unlocked 18 cards and the 1971 Diego Segui (already traded already...) is the oldest card I have unlocked.

I forget who the newest card was, but it was 2008. Incidentally, the title for this post was intended to be sarcastic...Oh, I HAVE had a few trade offers on these cards - someone actually offered up a Shannon Stewart for the Braves team card. Obviously they read my blog and know what a huge fan of Shannon Stewart I am.

Unfortunately when I clicked on the offered card it was NOT this Shannon Stewart... Go Rays! Troll out.
I have gotten to the stage where all the cards I have in my MCS portfolio are cards I want. So I will definitely get them shipped at some point.
ReplyDeleteSo what Chrome did you get? I bought one of those value packs and the next time I went back to Wally world they were all gone. I got Strasburg but I actually wanted Ripken. I even pulled an auto out of the series 1 packs. nobody awesome but at least something.
ReplyDeleteCynical Buddha... I got a Strasburg. I would have been happier with a Ripken, too. I actually have a Babe Ruth that came in a trade. They are BOTH on the block...
ReplyDeleteI have a 1980 Ken Brett
ReplyDeleteI have 50 cards in my portfolio (down from 77 a few days ago after a few trades) but nothing from the '65 list or any of your player lists.