NEXT... Head on over to Can't Have Too Many Cards... Hackenbush just made his 500th post and he is celebrating by giving away a whole bunch of SWEET 1980s rookie cards... Not garbage either - we're talking Hall of Famers like Cal Ripken Jr., Ryne Sandberg, Tony Gwynn, Wade Boggs and more! Enter his contest here. All you have to do is comment, but you aid your chances if you can guess what he looked like in 1965. Enter HIS contest HERE. For the last contest you need to hurry... You only have a few more hours to enter the Play at the Plate contest, so head on over there now! Good luck to all! Speaking of pimpin' - assuming that you have entered all the contests and still have time to read about cards, The Nitty Gritty Card of the Day is coming back. It will be strictly Nitty Gritty for now. Not a whole lot of fluffy Troll description, just the facts. Check it out! Go Rays!!! 11 wins baby! troll out.
More blog pimpin'? I miss out on so much when I'm sick. Thanks Troll!